Wednesday, January 16, 2008


In my efforts to get things together, washed, and arranged before my in-laws arrive tomorrow, I have caved into a very whiney Ryan and agreed to let him watch a show. Of course, nothing we have recorded is acceptable and God forbid he just watch whatever Noggin happens to be showing..."I want something brand new" he proudly announces. My solution...On Demand. A mommy somewhere had to have thought of this. So as we perused the choices I happened upon a brand new Wonder Pets. Great! The Wonder Pets Save the Camel!

So you might be wondering why this post is called Beavis if he's watching The Wonder Pets. Well, the second of the two stories in this particular episode is "The Wonder Pets Save the Ants". In case you haven't already seen it, The Wonder Pets have the challenge of helping two different colonies of ants work out an argument over which group will be raiding a picnic. SO, they say they have to stop "the fight". Ryan immediately sits up on the couch. Now they have his attention...a FIGHT. He starts talking nonstop..."Mommy, they are gonna fight. I want them to fight. Do you want to watch the fight? It's gonna be a big fight!" and so on and so on. As the colonies get closer to each other and several failed attempts by the mediating Wonder Pets occur, the heads of each colony begin to sing "We're going to fight!" By now Ryan is standing on the couch with me repeatedly telling him to SIT DOWN, actually I was only talking to myself b/c he was NOT listening to me! As the ants close in on each other, Ryan starts pumping his arms up and down as fast as he can chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

My mind shot back about 15 years and all I could picture was Beavis doing the EXACT same thing that my son was doing before me. It was about the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Sadly, the Wonder Pets convince the ants at the last moment to share. Ryan was so disappointed. He finally noticed me freaking out about his standing on the furniture and sat down. He folded his arms across his chest and announced in a very serious tone "Mommy, I don't want to watch the Wonder Pets EVER again". In fact, he's so PO'd that he got up and turned the TV off and is sitting on the couch reading his Star Wars book.

Damn those Wonder Pets!!! :)

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