Friday, April 11, 2008

Explaining Things

Today was, as most days are in my house, a day full of questions. Thought you might like a sample.

1. Me trying to explain the National Emergency warning system (you know, that awful EARRAW, EARRAW, EARRAW followed by BEEEP, BEEEP, BEEEEEP) that did a test while we were driving to Whole Foods:

Ryan-What is that terrible noise?

Me-It's the system used to let everyone know if there is an emergency.

Ryan-Like what? Who sings this song?

Me-It's not a song. It lets us know if there is a bad storm or...something bad like a plane crash.

Ryan-OOHHHH! And if big robot dinosaurs attack, right? Someone would need to turn on the volcanoes so the lava could come out and kill them. Like that kind of emergency?

Me-Yes, Ryan. Just like that.

Welcome to my world. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Playing Tag

My sweet friend Jacolyn at Lieck Triplets has tagged me to this fun little game.

Here are the rules:

Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So here goes...

1. I HATE being home alone while John is out of town. I stay up all night, walking around, relocking doors, with nearly every light in the house on. I've called 911 four times since we've moved into this house because I thought someone was already inside or trying to get inside. It's really obnoxious for me and I hate that I hate it so much.

2. I HATE frogs...nearly as much as I hate being alone. One evening when I was 8 years old, I was running home to be in time for dinner, barefooted, and I stepped right in the middle of one. It was all squished up between all of my toes. I remember my mom laughing at me because I was so upset. Thanks Mom.

3. My BFF for nearly my whole life and I spent one whole evening back in '88 making fun of Roy Orbison. How ugly he was and how stupid his songs were. My BFF's mom scolded us and warned us about doing things like that. The next morning, she walked into the bedroom (I spent the night at her house) and said "I hope you're happy. He's dead.". True story. We felt horrible!

4. My feet are the ugliest thing about me by far. They are really more like hooves. Cracked heels that bleed and toe nails that are gross and thick. And that's when they look good after a pedicure. Sad.

5. I always laugh when anyone falls down. Even if they get hurt. It's not personal. I even laugh when I fall down.

6. I love to take baths. I rarely ever get to take one, but I have fond memories of them.

7. I used to LOVE Bruce Willis! I knew the words to every song he ever recorded and even had dances for most of them. I lived to watch Moonlighting. Ahh, those were the days.

So there it is! I swear I have a lot of friends but only have two that blog...and one of them sent this to me! Here's my tag:
Jayme at brassellsinnyc

If any of my other friends want to play, just leave a comment or email me! Thanks for reading! :)


This is what Tanner does with an Oreo...just so you'll know to never turn him lose in your house with one!

Ryan Playing T-Ball

Let's give this a whirl, shall we? Here's a quick video of Ryan at bat last Saturday and of Tanner doing his best to escape our family while we were distracted. Enjoy!