Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Year Wiser

I can hardly believe that it's 2008! Time has always seemed to escape me and it's getting worse as I get older. My mother was such a worrier that I think it was difficult for her to enjoy "the moment". Unfortunately, I think I acquired some of that and I force myself, almost daily, so slow down and think about what is going on, in the now, and be happy about it.

Seems like 2007 went by so quickly. It was a very busy year full of change. We started it off with our final 6 months of life in NYC. Originally, we were moving back to Dallas when the firm presented John with something that was just too good to pass up. After a weekend visit with the boys, we decided to change our relocation plans from Big D to Hotlanta so John could become the newest partner on The Home Depot. Huge deal as THD is one of the firm's largest clients. We found a great house in Buckhead and managed to get all of our stuff, from all over the country here, unpacked, arranged, and started a new life here. Ryan's school is close to home and just wonderful. We had a great summer full of pool/backyard fun. This fall was so much fun with the kids. We went to some pumpkin patches and had some big Halloween fun. We had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas with the boys. They made it all so much fun. Our 2007 had a sad, unexpected twist between the last two holidays as I had a miscarriage. It was one of the hardest things I've ever lived through, but I have such wonderful friends and family, I survived. All in all, it was a good year. Better than good, really. Despite the heartbreaking loss, I have so much to smile about. Like a dear, dear friend told me once, there comes a time when you have to be thankful for what you have and not worry about what you don't. (thanks DK! love ya!) I have so much and am excited about 2008!

Ryan's birthday was last week...the big 4! We had a little party with Granny Lin and Granddad. Ryan got a new Spiderman fishing pole and he is ready for some Georgia fishing. On his actual birthday, we had some cake and John and I gave him his gifts from us...some Lincoln Logs and a big-boy bike. He was so excited. He rides it every day but not for very long. He gets too cold! Last Saturday we had a party for him with a few of his friends here at the house. They played in a huge Spiderman bounce house, played with some of Ryan's new toys, John grilled burgers, and we ate Star Wars cake. Ryan is completely obsessed with Star Wars. He walks around with the hood of his coat pulled up telling people "I'm Darth Vader" they care. He had his checkup today and it went well until the end. Five immunizations, three in one leg and two in the other. I'd been telling him for the last few days that he would be getting them and that it felt like a big ant bite. So as I was trying to casually pin him down on the exam table I was asking him about the ants. Were the red or black? Were they going to a picnic? Then the nurse started. He immediately started screaming so loudly that I thought for sure the paint would start to peel off of the walls. Some of it was even that super high pitched sound that only dogs can hear. It sorta made my teeth ache. Anyway, after we gathered ourselves and walked (very slowly and with great drama) to the car, Ryan looked up at me and said "Mama, those were some MEAN ants back there!". Gotta love it! :)

In other Lambert boys news, Tanner decided life was too dull last week and that he would spice it up for me. Ryan was complaining of a headache (and he did have a fever) so I got out the Tylenol. Naturally, he decided for some crazy reason that he didn't want it. I was coaxing him, bribing him to take it but nothing was working. I decided to upgrade my approach to a physical one and hold his arms down while I shot it in his mouth. Hmmm...this takes two hands, so what do I do next? I set the open bottle of liquid infant's Tylenol on the coffee table and turn my back. Skip forward about 20 seconds. What do you think I see when I turn back around? Yep. There's Tanner with the bottle firmly gripped with both hands and turned completely upside down in his mouth. I screamed and he dropped it...but it was totally empty. I had no idea how much he drank and how much he just spilled as his shirt did have a good bit on it. So off we went to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta for the second time since we moved here. (A few months back he ate a battery...good times.) He's fine now. Crazy boy. I think these events are just dry runs as he's gearing up for breaking his femur or a massive laceration somewhere in his cute little head. He is a climber and he's pretty fearless. Great combo. Lucky me.

So what does 2008 have up it's sleeve? Well, let's hope for lots of happy, healthy times. Maybe even another little Lambert! John and I will have our 10 year wedding anniversary this summer. March will be three years since my mother passed away. Tanner will hopefully get up off of the floor and walk sometime before he turns two in October. Ryan starts t-ball pretty soon and will be in Pre-K this fall. It'll be a year of awful political commercials (I'm already dreading it). Can we please have an end to this miserable drought here in Georgia? I don't think I can sit around and watch my beautifully landscaped lawn dry up and die before my eyes. Torture! Trips away and visitors here. Sounds like enough to keep me busy and blogging away. I really enjoy this blog. It is an easy way to communicate with everyone and it also serves as an acceptable way to talk to myself. You know, so I don't get sent to the funny farm.

Stay tuned for more adventures, rantings, and whatever else this new year decides to throw our way!

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