Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not Good News...

Ugh, so much for my fluid level improving with some extra fluids and rest. At my appointment yesterday, not only was it lower than two weeks ago but it's low enough that now I've been put on partial bedrest. YUCK! From 1pm until bedtime I have to be off of my feet. So, we'll go back Monday afternoon for another gander after 6 days of torture, er, um...resting. The plan is that if it is stable or has improved then I'll be on this partial bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy. If it is lower but not critical, I'll be put on complete bedrest. Argh! If it goes down after that, the perinatologist said he'll put me in the hospital until delivery to monitor the baby. When the fluid gets too low, the baby can begin to suffer from small growth and go into distress pretty quickly. I was so shocked/scared/upset when he told me all of this yesterday I completely forgot to ask WHY he thinks this may be happening. He did tell me that my placenta looks fine now, which I guess is a common culprit if it starts to poop out.

SO, for now, I'm very lucky to have such great friends and family that have already stepped up to help out with Ryan and Tanner. Friends here are taking the boys after school for the rest of the week and not bringing them home until 6:30 (when John will be home) and my awesome mother-in-law is coming in Sunday and staying all week to play, feed, and drive the kids around where they need to go. That will give me a chance to get a steady game plan together for the rest of the pregnancy based on what we learn on Monday's appointment. Everyone one here wants to help and I'm so grateful! Between helping keep the boy's lives semi-normal to bringing food, I know we'll get through these next few weeks just fine. I'm doing my best to have faith, trust God, and stay calm!

Here are a few pictures of my sweet boys! They are such a delight! I'll keep you posted on how things are developing!

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