Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day One...Check!

Well, I survived my first day of partial bedrest. Can you get a bedsore in less than 6 hours? Good grief, my hips and butt are already killing me from not moving around enough. They get stiff and when I do get up to walk, I sorta have that "old dog" saunter...and it takes me about 15 minutes to go 15 feet away. Oh well. I even slept pretty well last night. I have an OB appointment this morning so I'll update you later on what she says. I have some really funny pictures of the boys with their newest toy AND some other news that will confirm any doubts that you might have had...WE ARE CRAZY!

Check back soon...well, after 2pm EST...

1 comment:

Kameron said...

I hope all goes well. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love meeting new people. I can't believe with 2 boys you can be so patient about finding out who's in your tummy!! Patience is definitely not a virtue I possess!