Oh, she is a mess. Barking, check. Chewing, check. Knocking down the boys, check. Peeing on my floors, check. Crying when the lights go out at bedtime, check.
Being completely adorable, check. Puppy breath, check. So glad we've got her here, check!
There have been other events. We had a fire in the backyard last Saturday night that required Atlanta's brave firefighters to put it out. Looks like our lawn guy blew too many leaves up around some of our halogen landscape lighting and it caught on fire. Stupid drought. Stupid lawn guy. I've never been so frightened in my life. We all made it safely out of the house and there was no damage to anything other than the lawn. Amazing. Thank God for timing it all out perfectly to keep us safe.
Perinatologist update...everything is holding steady. Fluid looking about the same and baby doing just fine.
Tanner has the yucky GI bug that is infecting most of Atlanta right now but the pediatrician said today that his ears and chest are clear, so that's good news. We'll just keep using Lysol wipes and hand sanitizer like there's no tomorrow. Ryan is healthy and doing fine. He has some PTSD from the fire I think but we're talking it out and he's gone to bed okay the last two nights. Overall, they are just two sweet little men who are growing up WAY too fast for my taste. :)
We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!