I saw Dr. Korotkin this morning and the baby looks fine. My amniotic fluid has gotten low since my last appointment two weeks ago. He is (fairly) certain that it is related to me just getting over the respiratory infection and told me to rest as much as possible (ha!) and drink an obscene amount of water. He'll see me again in two weeks. He assured me that there is nothing to get alarmed about now but we will watch it closely. He anticipates it will be normal at the next appointment. I have an OB appt this Friday so we'll see what she has to say. Here are the stats from this morning:
baby measures-- 30 weeks 1 day
baby's estimated weight--3 lbs 4 ozs
blood pressure-- 110/78
my weight--159 (35 pounds gained, yikes!)
I am feeling rather big these days. I haven't gained as much weight as I had with Ryan at this point but I've gained the same amount that I did in total with Tanner. What are you gonna do? I find myself gazing at women who are in shape. They probably think I have a girl crush or something. Maybe I do in a way...I'm looking forward to having my body back but trying to enjoy this pregnancy, as much as that's possible for me. Have you seen the video for Saving Abel's song "Addicted"? I really like that song but I like the girl in it even better! I want to look like that again! (warning**the song and video are racey...please don't watch it if you are easily embarassed or if you are my mother-in-law!)
I sure love my kids but, man oh man, I don't love being pregnant!
I made these pictures today. Sorry for the hat...my doctor's appointment was at 8am and I had to take both of the boys with me (John had an early meeting). We all looked a bit weary but we were on time! My hands are officially "that swollen" and I can't get my wedding rings on anymore. The pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel is in full force and my hands and wrists are either tingling or completely numb all of the time now.
I guess I could have waited until that water spot on my shirt had dried to make the picture. Oh well!
hi! I found your blog a while back through Mycharmingkids.net and just wanted to say you seem to have such a great look on things!
I have two boys too and LOVE IT!
Hi there. I found your blog when you left a comment on CF Husbands site today. Your site is really nice and your kids are cute.
I recently got a Nikon D60 too and am learning the ropes since I just had a Kodak point & shoot before. The Nikon is a pretty cool camera and it has been fun.
Take care.
I loved your picture caption on MckMama's blog. It looks like you've got your hands full too. Do you know what you are having or are you waiting? I always wanted it to be a surprise, but then I got pregnant and couldn't stand the suspense!
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