Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tag Along

I saw this over at 4 Little Men's blog and wanted to play!

I am…a happy girl
I want…for my kids to all be healthy and happy
I strongly dislike…the herpaterium at the zoo. yuck!
I miss…my mom
I fear… thunderstorms
I feel…a little nauseated
I hear…my boys playing Star Wars
I smell….the lemon bars here on the counter. yummy!
I crave…french fries!
I search…for ways to get Ryan to eat a broader variety of things. Any help here?
I wonder…how in the world John can be as patient and loving as he is. It is amazing.
I regret…losing touch with friends that I once cherished
I love...SUMMERTIME! bare feet, snowcones, fireflies, swimming, my kids playing to the point of exhaustion...oh yeah! I love summer!
I care...about who will be our next President because it will make a difference for the lives of my kids.
I ache…in my back! Ouch!
I always...wear my seatbelt
I am not…a big reader. Wish I was.
I believe…my kids may very well have more toys than a well-stocked toy store.
I dance…and usually fall down. Three knee surgeries + dancing = me on the floor.
I sing...in the car. Ryan and Tanner don't complain too much.
I cry….easily. And now with these Olympic commercials starting...forget it!
I don’t always...call my family as often as I should.
I fight…with myself to stay positive. I have a bad habit of thinking the worst sometimes.
I write… a blog!!)
I never…take my health for granted anymore. I have before and it never works out well.
I listen…to LOUD music! What's the point if it isn't loud? :)
I need…a massage
I am happy…that I have the life I have with the people who are a part of it!

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